Item 01: H. V. Berry diary, 14 June 1915-27May 1916 - Page 38

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[Page 38]

Sighted Arab dhow (small sailing ship) in distance on Starboard bow at 2.15 pm. Had pleasure of seeing it through telescope; quite a treat for we have not seen either land or a boat since leaving Australian shores. Passed Cape Guardifui 5.15 pm just visible on port bow; very hazy. Weather getting cooler & days shorter. Very bad head-ache today. At noon we had travelled 6550 leaving 1746 to go.

Friday 3/12/15
Beautiful day sea calm; nearing journey's end. At noon had travelled 6856 miles leaving 1440 to go. At present in Gulf of Aden. Sighted Aden lighthouse 10 pm also what appeared to be fairly large

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