Item 03: Leonard V. Bartlett diary, 1 January 1918-1 January 1919 - Page 100

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[Page 100]

Sunday 20 October 1918
Still in bed & crook.

Monday 21 October 1918
My flu changes to pneumonia, at least I think it was today.

Tuesday 22 October 1918
Matey came up from Worthing.

Wednesday 23 October 1918
Gettg. rid of the pneumonia.

Thursday 24 October 1918
Getting better & sitting up & taking notice. The Doc. looks quite happy!!

Friday 25 October 1918
Still in bed. Rup called at C.P.R. but we could not get double berth yet. Doc. says illness due to gas but don't believe him.

Saturday 26 October 1918
Got up today, feeling somewhat groggy.

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