Item 01: George Washington Thomas Lambert letter diary, 1919 - Page 86

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[Page 86]

Victoria Hotel, Damascus
June 18th 1919

Dear Major Greenwood

I do not know if my letter of the 14th of this month reached you but my proposed visit to Amman and its British representative is off for the present. Colonel Bruxner of Anzac Mtd. Div. has collected me & he tells me it is better to approach Amman from the Jerusalem end and as he is my superior officer & also a knowledgable man I give in and look forward to meeting you in the near future.

Still hoping I remain

Yours truly & Ever
G.W. Lambert
(Capt. Official Artist
C/o A.I.F. E.E.F.
A.I.F. H.Q., Cairo)

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