Item 01: George Washington Thomas Lambert letter diary, 1919 - Page 68

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[Page 68]

Unlike most writers of diaries at page sixty three I shoot the rails and take up the story at the spot where I come to rest after 68 (sixty eight) days of travel. I have yet to learn why 68 days of travel should appear to be important. To Drove (Australian Grammar) umpteen hundred sheep, umpteen hundred miles is a job that would not disturb the average bushman but the performance which the Aust. Historical Mission has achieved in travel from London through Europe to Anzac & Constantinople, through Turkey in Asia, over the Taurus Mountains to Cairo seems to be held in the light of a great achievement. All I can say is that what time I was washing dishes I managed to look out and see the country and note the subtle differences between the country through which we were passing and Australia. (The Difference was chiefly snow capped mountains here & there & different customs & costumes.) (later notes)

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