Item 01: George Washington Thomas Lambert letter diary, 1919 - Page 51

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[Page 51]

March 10th 1919

We are now on board the French boat mentioned yesterday.

There was a holiday atmosphere in the air this morning and I found myself singing in grand opera style to an accompaniment of raucous Lancashire tommies who also felt a certain sense of relief in getting away from the graveyard work.

While waiting for transport to the wharf only a matter of a half mile I was again fascinated by a cheap modern Turkish well close to the hut in which we slept last night. The Turks, Italians & Bedouins put on cheap paint or tempera on anything they intend to be flash and after a year or so the colours fade to an antique quality suggesting good backgrounds for decoration. I draw in pencil a Madonna & child on a framed space in the so called decorative pattern

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