State Library of NSW
[Page 18]
14 shells fell in a group quite near us. Roused the corporal again and got him to warn party. He was rather reluctant in moving.Took him clear from dug-out and in doing so got my issue of gas. Could not stop coughing for over an hour this was accompanied by sneezing, pains in chest and throat. As I was becoming weak got a man to see me to clearing station, managed to reach it safely. Just as I was being placed on stretcher became unconscious. When being loaded into motor ambulance at 10/30 a.m. rain falling on my face awakened me and I learnt I was to be evacuated. I also learnt from another patient that station had been shelled. One large shell entered a dug-out and wounded 8 men another fell in front of Y.M.C.A. but on road, and fragments of metal were driven through door of clearing station. From here moved to Kemmel again this town shelled. A Frenchman living with his small family became startled by explosions crept into his cellar and although the mud-
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