Item 04: William Frederick Olsson diary copy, 25 January-28 April 1918 - Page 16

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[Page 16]

Tried to adjust respirator but gas reached me before I could do so. Put my hand over mouth and nostrils and hopped safely through the smoke. Found an Infantry man in trouble, he had been gassed severely but could walk, took him to dressing station where we found medical staff awaiting to render aid. Our stretcher bearer and sergeant went with us to another camp for remainder of night but became seriously ill and had to be taken away on stretchers. Nineteen of our men reported to dressing stations, 6 were sent away others held till symptoms developed. At a time like this the skilled malingerer, the would be hero swarm to the dressing stations and force on the medical officers a double duty; this is the skill of a physician and the judgement of a judge. Many tales are well told and a lenient doctor would have no difficulty in evacuating best part of a company, should he treat seriously and favour ably those appealing requests from those many would be sufferers. But the game of not playing the game is becoming

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