Item 02: Fred Hamilton-Kenny letter diary, 5 December 1914-26 February 1915 - Page 123

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[Page 123]

Sympathy don't exist in the navy – I've notified Johnson that he'll be buried at sea – no landing party & a walk to a cemetery for him – just lead & the deep sea –
I'll tell a short tale – A very notable person died & a party of bluejackets were offered 5/ each to walk with bowed heads & bent backs – slowly pacing behind the coffin – off the cortege went – Heads down – Backs curved – on & on - & on – "Blime me don't it smell" said one Bluejacket – "Keep yer blanky 'ead down or they'll cut 'arf a crown off" said the Petty officer – On they went for another mile only to find – that – at a cross road – they'd lost the original mourning party & with bowed heads & slow steps they had been following a manure cart going back to a farm – This is a good tale but the wily bluejacket probably got to a Pub – not to a farm –

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