Box 6 Item 06: Letters from Edith S. Thistlethwaite to her sister, Ethel Jane Thistlethwaite, 20 June 1915-26 April 1917, 31 May 1921 - Page 20

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I am much better, going out every afternoon for a drive. On Friday I had my first outing for 7 weeks. Sister Rhoden, who came with us on the "Kyarra" accompanied me for a Gharry drive. It was a beautiful day & we quite enjoyed out little outing. I was only out for one hour you can imagine how delighted I was to get out once more. On Saturday I went on with Sisters Hart & Pilkington (also of the Kyarra) to Cairo Gardens & had afternoon tea, getting back at 6 p.m. We had a glorious time. On Sunday (yesterday) I got up at 5.30 a.m. and went to 6 a.m. Communion. The room where it is celebrated is quite close to this room, part of the Officer's Ward. The Chaplain is a high churchman, anyhow it was a very nice service & I was so pleased that I was able to attend. In the afternoon Sister Craig, Ralston & self went for another Gharry drive along the Suez Road. It was a perfect day. Then Essie Craig & I went to the Church Service (C. of E.) in the Shelter Shed – Quite a number of the Convalescent Patients

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