Item 02: James Arthur Barrett Fry letters received, 1915-1924 - Page 107

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[Page 107]

Replied 4-5-17

Public School

Dear Mr. Fry,
It was with feelings of the deepest regret, that I read in the paper this morning of the death in action of your eldest son, Dene.

It seems just a few weeks ago that Dene came to wish me "Good-bye" at the School, & little did I dream that it would be a "last good-bye".

I always had a warm affection for both your lads Dene & Allan. They were so manly straightforward & natural. Both have died as they lived – noble boys, "Heroes both".

Accept my heartfelt sympathy for you, Mrs. Fry & the family in your very sad & double bereavement.

May God in his mercy give you both strength & courage to bear up against the sad blows you have received of late.

"Two noble lives – nobly ended". for God, King & Country.

Faithfully yours &
in deepest sympathy,
James Gilbert

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