Item 04: Edmund Gregan Brewer letters and postcards, 1916-1917 - Page 24

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[Page 24]

Sending so that you may inquire for them if they do not come to hand.

I suppose I shall be seeing Frank over here soon, I hope he has taken my advice and joined the ASC or one of those units which do not get right up. Much the best. I would try and get something like that if I had my chance over again. Too much work in the other jobs. a fellow wants to get a job where he can see something of the country. With the line people mud is about the daily view and one gets rather tired of it.

I am keeping splendidly well, have hardly had a days sickness since I have been on the job, the life seems to agree with me although at times things get a bit rough.

There is practically no news of any consequence and routine is practically the same daily turn out, so I have nothing much to write about.

This is just a line to let you know I'm well and still keeping my good job.

I wrote to Herb Ezzy a while ago I though perhaps he would be pleased to hear from me, he wasn't a bad sort so I decided I would write him a line just to let him know

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