Item 01: Letters sent by Thomas Bell to Beatrice Bell and their children, ca. September 1915-27 November 1916 - Page 9

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Feb 6/2/1916

Dear Beat & Family
Just a line to let you know i am alright so far hoping you are all the same. We landed at Fremantle on the 29th and only had 2 hours off the boat and away again i would like to have run out to Perth but we had no time their was a lot went out but they all got left behind they will be classed as deserters. I was very lucky myself and my mates we got a few in in those 2 hours the boat was out in the stream so we got in a ferry boat and it took us over and we climbed up the side i expect when i am coming back i will not be wanting to stop any where. we have not seen land since we left fremantle we are expecting to get to our next stop on Wednesday morning. We had a very good days sport on the boat yesterday there was Tug of war. scratch pulling & rope quoit tournament. all sorts of jumping. Wrestling. And the best of all was a boxing Tournament their was some of the best fighting i have ever seen. Beat their is not much news to tell you as we never see land to tell you anything about

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