Item 05: Letters sent to Beatrice Bell relating to the death of Thomas Bell, 28 April 1918-1923 - Page 8

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Dear Mrs Bell

You will have heard from the military of the death of your husband 3770 Pte T. Bell. He came down from the North with the Battalion and after taking part in a stunt in the Bois de Hangard he was sitting near the Company Headquarters in a shaft pit with 3 others. Two shells fell in the pit together and the four received their issue, as we speak of it in the army. They lie side by side near the cross put on the side of the road. The graves were marked but opportunity had not yet come when we could erect the crosses. That will be attended to as soon as possible. The map reference is 62D U22b 1095 and it is several miles to the east of Amiens which city we went into the line to defend. The personal effects have been sent on I wish in the usual channel.

I wish to express the sympathy of the Battalion & myself with you in your loss and trust that God has given you the comfort that the [indecipherable] can give & that he will be to you in full sense the God of the [indecipherable]

I remain
Yours sincerely
Rev [indecipherable] Crasford

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