State Library of NSW
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Jan 2 149
Copy of a Letter from C Smith Esq.r
My Dear Sir Amboyna: July 1801.
Your letter of date Jany 9th 1801 together with the Jamaica Almanack, I had the pleasure to receive on arrival of the Cartier at Amboyna on the 20t Ins:t for which I beg you will accept my best thanks
I am Sorry to learn that the Plants which I had the preasure to send to you & Cartier did not arrive in good condition -
The Hon:ble Companys Ship Star Lieut Scott Commander will sail for England in a few days, by this opportunity I send you seeds of the Sago-wear Tree 4.400 Seeds of the eatable Cari - tree 1000. & Seeds of the Canari Tree which yield an Oil that is equal in Quality in every respect, to Florence or Sweet Oil, 1'000. -
The eatable Canari Nut is the first article of food, next to the Sago; for the maintanince of the Inhabitants of the Spice Islands-
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