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I am just return'd from a tour of the Continent, as is emphatically stiled the principal Island which is 23 miles in length; & have seen no fine timber but on two Estates amounting together to near 150 Acres which have been for some years past & are still in the Court of Chancery of Bermuda & before they get out there is much reason to fear the timber will be decayed, as no branch of the Constitution of this Colony bears a stronger resemblance to its Original in the Mother Country. - I measured several of the largest Trees, which in general ran from 36 to 44 inches Circumference at four feet from the Ground: one Cedar which appeard perfectly sound measured five feet one Inch; & another which was hollow, & is rememberd to have been in a decayed State for more than fifty Years measured sixteen feet: the head is still very thick & flourishing, but there are no lateral Branches within near 30 feet of the Ground. A Mr. Penniston has an old Cedar Table made of one Blank which three feet two Inches Wide; such wood is not now to be met with - It is not perhaps generally known that among other valuable quantities for which Cedar is esteem'd, it possesses that of not shrinking in the breadth, by reason of which Copper bottom'd Vessels never want caulking a second time under the Copper, nor is it necessary for the most exposed parts to undergo that reparation till after seven or eight years service - During the last war only four Sloops were built for Government, which having been found to answer very well a larger Contract has been enter'd into since the renewal of hostilities, of which the following is a correct Statement.
2 Sloops,420 tons each, carrying Sixteen 24 Pounders - in Commission
2 Sloops, Do - - - - - - - - Do - - - just laid down.
12 Cutters, 120 tons each, carrying ten 18 Pound Carronades; in Commission.
6 Cutters, Do - - - - - - - -Do - - - - - to be launched before Xmas
12 Schooners, 70 tons each, carrying Six pounders - in Commission.
2 Tank Schooners, for supplying the Ships with water + 145 tons each, in Service.
1 Pilot Boat 15 tons in Service.