State Library of NSW
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The Islands were better known in England a Century back than they are now, & if they continue to Decline as rapidly as they have done for some years past in less than half a century they will be known only by their Rocks & Hurricanes for the next Bermuthes of Shakespeare. Of the present State of Cultivation an Idea may be forned by the Implements of husbandry in use, which are confined to the Spade & the hough, [hoe] not a Plough, Harrow, or Scythe in the Country. They raise a few vegetables of every Description but not enough for the consumption of the Inhabitants, who depend on a shipment of Yams & Potatoes from America & Fruit from the West Indies. They however contrive to grow onions & arrow Roots in sufficient quantity for a little exportation. For all their Butchers' Meat except a little Veal & for much of their Poultry they are also dependent on America as well as for every sort of Grain they use. The necessaries of life are therefore very dear with its luxuries they are fortunately but little tempted. They cultivate in a very small quantity, for their own consumption only, Cotton & Coffee and tho' they never use manure but in their Gardens while the rest of the Country remains entirely neglected, yet many Shrubs & Flowers natives of the West Indies, flourish here uncultivated, which with the beautiful Verdure the Country begins now to assume prove the Soil to be much better than the indolent Bermudian is disposd to acknowledge.
Cedar is the favorite Production of the Island & grows much luxuriantly in some Parts; everywhere it springs up spontaneously, scattering on all sides its berries which are frequently seen shooting from the Crevice of a Rock. But tho' universally consider'd the Staple of the Country scarcely any attention is paid to its Cultivation: The Ground is suffered to be overrun with a species of Sage, which I believe is the Lantana Carnara of Linnaeus:
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