Letter received by Banks from David Lewis, 16 November 1786 (Series 23.29) - No. 0003

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And as Mr Graefer for the three years he was at Kingsland Taught me the art of preparing all sorts of Vegetable in the greatest perfection, shall make it my study to give the utmost satisfaction if Surported, with the Smiles of a Generous Public, as I am sirtain it was near to the ruin of me & Graefer, till your Generous hand lifted, him (Graefer) up by sending him to Naples, where I hope he will reap his full merrit; hope these will meet you & yours in perfect health and am most respectfully your                                     

Obedt Able Servt 
David Lewis

NB. I hear from Mr Graefer ten day back when he & his 3 Boys were in perfect health.

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