Letter received by Banks from James Grant, 31 January 1800 (Series 23.22) - No. 0003

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been heard off.  I Rode this Gale out in 5 fms water without being obliged to put over my fine Scuttle nor did the Lady Nelson ever Ship a Sea that would come over the Sole of your Shoe - during this Gale I found out one great Effect of the Hulls which my worthy Friend Captn Schank had omitted to inform me of.

All vessels with flatt floors & of a light draft of water are liable to Roll very much more Especially when tending to the Tide on being what is called wind Rode where the wind opperating on one side & the Tide on the other the vessel is kept Broad side on in the hollow of the sea, & in this situation all vessels labor much; but more especially light Bodys & Ships having but little hold in the water to counter ballance their top weight.  This happened to me in the Downs when it with the Tide of Ebb and a heavy Gale from S.S.W.  It occured to me if the Hulls [centre-boards] were lett down it would steady her - I tried it; & the Effect was so great that I instantly went below & wrote Captn Schank of it without the least inconveniency to my pen from the motion of the Ship.  After riding out two very hard Gales & on the Change of the moon the wind appearing still settled (& which it is yett) I judged it prudent to run into Ramsgate where on my way through it Blew very strong I found the Vessel stand well up under her sail, & with only one Ruff out of the Top sails no Jibb sett on Lee Tide going - when close hauled she brought her water right off & went at the rate of five knotts; In order to be certain I have the logg twice with an interval of 15 minutes between each time.  As vessels in Ramsgate lay dry every low water again did I observe with pleasure & satisfaction the manner she takes the ground, she being as upright as Possible.  The great advantage of which I refer all

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