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remember that the now flourishing Colony at Port Jackson, commenced its Career under a similar inconspicuous Circumstance - therefore I do not despair. I am confident that Lord Hobart will not abandon or forget his little Colony, his Protègè.
I met at Port Philip & he accompanied me hither, that sensible & scientific Traveller, Mr. Brown. He has made several Excursions round this Neighbourhood & I understand has enriched his Botanical Collection with some rare & curious Plants. He has very obligingly favoured me with a List of Trees and Shrubs, which he found growing in this Vicinity, a Copy of which presuming it may not be unacceptable, I inclose herewith.
I think it necessary to mention to you Sir, one local Advantage, which I have already observed this Place to possess. The River, for these six Weeks has been full of the Whales, called by the Whalers, the Right, or Black Malay. Three or four Ships, might have lain at Anchor, and with Ease have filled all their casks; and Ships coming here, will on returning to England, no longer have Occasion to take the circuitous Passage by Cape Horn, but