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Ap 18, 1805
I send to you by Mr Brown an account of my journey to Mount Banks, with a map of my route. And the descriptions of some plants made in the above journey; also some other descriptions of plants; and a small paper parcel, containing 41 species of seeds; the whole of my papers amount to 318 pages. The map is not to be considered as accurate, as I thought it would be more acceptable by representing the whole route, than by placing only a few objects in a more corrected manner, The bearings which are given in the route, & also the map, are all magnetic.
My last accounts were by the Lady Barlow, which sailed from here in January last. The bills which I informed you of in that account, Gov. King has since informed me that he did not send.
I have the lament, that I sent you nothing else by the return of the Investigator. She being ordered to sail for England with so short notice, but still remains long after the proposed time. Not knowing exactly when she will sail, & not having any packing cases, & to get some made (which probably would be of green wood) at the present time, might prove too hazardous, for various are the accounts respecting the safety of the ship, or at least, the articles that one trusted in her, by being so low in the water owing to having been cut down.