Letter received by Banks from George Caley, 12 January 1805 (Series 18.057) - No. 0002

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of milk - the testicles are enclosed in a membrane which covers the kidneys
In its intestines I could not detect any thing farther than what I considered as ants' wings
I have got a dog that will hunt them now but as the animal travels by night it is difficult to meet with them by day - & I am apt to believe it is scarce as the natives seldom meet with any - but are remarkably fond of their flesh
I have given Governor King as a bill upon you As the amount of £45 -2 -4
If he didoes not send this he may another act which I gave him       y date previous to my going to Mount Banks to the amount of £35 - 17 - 4.
I intend shortly to another journey into the interior
I remain your
humble sert
G Caley
Jany 12th 1805



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