Copy of a letter received by George Caley from Banks, 30 August1804 (Series 18.054) - No. 0002

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if it is a comfort to you to know that when I have occasion to wait upon the Secretary of State or the Treasury merely to offer my Services to do what they want to have done for your Colony & other Matters my waiting is at least as long & as tedious as yours, we must all make up our Minds to wait the leisure of those above us, no one has more of that disagreeable circumstance than I have;  such affronts as you have receivd [received] from Mr. Marsden and to be born with, you must exert your patience, some ill treatment we all must endure, I hope your share of it is not greater than mine has been at your time of life & I beleive [believe] so.

          All that you sent me by the Glatton arrivd [arrived] safe & in good condition but I was so ill when it came & remaind [remained] so for several Months after, that I have not yet had time to look them over carefully,.  I have seen enough of them however to be well satisfied with your diligence & the value of the Specimens & Seeds you have sent of which those from the Blue Mountains are particularly acceptable & I give you credit for having learnd [learned] enough of Geography to lay down your tracts in a way perfectly intelligible to me. The letters which I have occasionaly [occasionally] found in your Boxes have been always sent according to their directions.

          The supposd [supposed] new Earth of Mr. Wedgewood was found in Sinking one of the first Wells which Gov.r Phillips orderd [ordered] to be Sunk at Sydney, it has however been since found to be a well known Mineral.  The Pipe Clay was sent home to me several years ago & declard [declared] by Mr. Wedgwood in Gov.r Phillips time to be of an excellent quality for Pottery.

          I cannot send you Paper by this occasion but I will when the next Government Ship Sails.  Your Box by the Calcutta has been missing some weeks the Capt however has now informd [informed] me that he has found it & sent it by the Waggon I expect it therefore in a few days & have no doubt that I shall be pleasd [pleased] with its Contents.

Beleive [believe] me always your assurd [assured] friend

Jos: Banks

I am oblig'd [obliged] to you for your opinions relative to the state of the Colony it is very convenient for me to learn these of other persons beside the Governor & those in Authority.

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