Letter recommending George Shaw to join Pacific voyage, received by Lord Sandwich, from Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord Le Despencer, 20 December 1771 (Series 06.181) - No. 0007

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I have sent you a lettr. I rcd. from Mr Shaw, relating to his Younger son, who I can assure you, is a most extraordinary Lad, very different from him, you saw, and think, if possibl she shd. be assisted, as he must remain unknown, at Bierton, without you can assist him, his enquirys are extraordinary, he draws admirably, has delineated every herb, the produce of this Country, & every insect; which shows his application, & wish he cou'd be admitted to go in any proper capacity, His Character at Mgdeln. [College, Oxford] as a Scholar is great; so really wish to assist so promising a Genius. Mrs Dashwood's best Services Frank & Jack their Loves, My Services to Mrs Barry.

I am Affecty. Yours
J Dashwood King

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