Letter recommending George Shaw to join Pacific voyage, received by Lord Sandwich, from Sir Francis Dashwood, Lord Le Despencer, 20 December 1771 (Series 06.181) - No. 0001

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W[est] Wycombe  Decr 20th 1771

My Dear Lord

I am just returned from Kent where I met Mr Roger Twysden who accepted my
former invitation to pass his Christmas here and to bring his hounds. I therefore can not enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of making one at your harmonious revel.

On my arrival at Hanover Square I found the enclosed two letters sent from my Brother, I have heard a great character of young Mr Shaw not only for his ingenuity and learning but for his civil and modest deportment, there seems to be in him a peculiar thirst for knowledge that he should chuse to embark for the first time on so long a Voyage. The marks of attention Your Lordship has been pleased to show towards me and the good opinion I almost flatter myself you entertain of me makes me venture to speak more on these recomendatory occasions than I otherwise would, if Mr Banks is not engaged and you think proper to recomend Mr Shaw to him you will indulge the curiosity of a deserving young man, and give Mr Banks a good Secretary and assistant and may I add, you will oblige My Dear Lord our complims wait on Miss Ray and Co.

Your most faithfull and Obedient Servant
Le Despencer


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