Copy of 'Draught [sic] of an Undertaking &c', 12 January 1801 (Series 63.09) - No. 0004

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engagd compleat, by assisting each other & uniting their efforts for the advantage of the Public, it is intended that the Profit derivd from the Sale of the said Publication shall be divided between the Commander & the Assistants, in proportion of the good conduct each shall have held during the Voyage, & the comparative advantage the publication shall in the opinion of their Lordships derive from the Labors of each individual.  Their Lordships moreover declare that after such descriptions Drawings and scetches as shall be found necessary for the illustration & embellishment of the intended publication shall have been selected by such persons as their Lordships shall be pleasd to appoint, & such Specimens of Natural History Arms Implements Habits Ornaments &c. as their Lordships think fitting shall have been applied to such purposes as their Lordships shall approve, the remainder of the [margin note to be inserted]  Drawings & Scetches, of all kinds shall be at the disposal of the Persons who have made them, for the purpose of being Published by them whenever it is

[margin note] descriptions of Plants & of animals &c.

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