Letter received by Banks from Nevil Maskelyne, 23 December 1800 (Series 63.04) - No. 0002

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& formerly my assistant to sound him at a distance; I received his answer on the 18th that he had done so; but found he had no disposition to accept the offer; & that he did not know any person there whom he could recommend on so short a notice.  I am to see Mr Crosley tomorrow, & will then enquire whether he has health & inclination to accept the office, in case he should be wanted, still leaving to the end of this month for Mr Linley's final answer.  If Mr Crosley does not come forward, I shall apply to some others I have in view.  I conversed with Mr Gilpin some time ago about the instruments necessary for the voyage, & found almost everything wanted was in his warehouse; he was to send several of them to clean.  I propose to see him again tomorrow about it.  When any thing occurs to the purpose, I shall not fail to inform you of it, & remain

Your most Obedt Servant
N Maskelyne

PS I am glad you have got a naturalist & natural history painter ready.


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