Letter received by Banks from William Daniell, ca 1 May 1801 (Series 63.54) - No. 0002

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I perfectly well know from experience the inconveniences to which we would be exposed in a Ship constantly in a state of hostile preparation. The accomodations of men in such a situation are very limited under the most favorable circumstances, & by no means favorable for those whose attention must be directed to the objects of art & Science, but under the apprehension or expectation of an Enemy their inconvenience must be considerably multiplied.

Permit me also to add that circumstanced as I am it will not be supposed that I could engage in the voyage from any consideration of present emoulment & had I not entertained hopes of future advantages that would more than counterbalance the loss I should necessarily sustain, it must have been great imprudence in me to have made such a sacrifice.  My experience in the East Indies have I trust given me in setting out some advantage over those who have been in similar situations.  I was aware what other artists had overlooked or omitted & flatter'd myself

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