Papers concerning the 'Line of demarcation between the BritishTerritory & that of the United States & Mexico', 1815-1816 (Series 88.05) - No. 0002

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[right note] Communication by Genl. Carleton
(Joes Point St Andrews            Lat.    45°      5'       5" N    }
(Longitude                                           67°    12'      30" W  }
(Variation   (1803)                               12       19'      0" W°  }

(Stake near a Birch tree hooped with Iron marked S.T. and I.H. (1797
(Declared by the Commissioners to be the point whence the (division line between the United States and New Brunswick is to run

The above birch tree bears from S.t Andrews N. 30° - 15' W. distance 67 British miles--- which will fix it in about 46°-0'-0" N. latitude
From S.t Regis at the W. end of Lake S.t Francis on the River S.t Lawrence (65 British miles above Montreal) to the Connecticut River is 147½ British miles--- measured on Bouchett's large map---
59 of the above miles from S.t Regis to S.t Johns River
Three points presents for accurate observation at or near S.t Regis on the S.t Lawrence - S.t Johns River and Connecticut River.--- If any point on the line is one second of a degree below 45°. it will give 100 feet to Canada-- If one second above          45° -------------- 100 feet to the United States

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