State Library of NSW
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Sprinkled with touched by salt water in that the Salt Spray has not access to them, the injury may be avoided if the remedy is applied in time The taste of the surfaces & leaf will give immediate intimation of any Salt is deposited upon it, in this Case a sprinkling of fresh water over the Leaves from a Rose headed watering pot will melt & Carry off the Salt, but if the it has remaind on the Leaves, 12 hours some damage mischeif will ensue & in of 24 the damage will be Considerable
The next Principal Care is, that the Plants are not damaged by the want of a regular Supply of fresh water, as the number of Fruit Trees etc Sent in the Cabbin is considerable, it is hopd that Capt Ritches will make a provision of a few Butts extraordinary for their use & that two watering Pots with Roses may be put on board for the more convenient application of it, as a sprinkling on the Leaves is always of use to the Plant, a it gives it a more sodden immediate Refreshment than it can Receive be derived from the Roots, it must however be rememberd that the Evening after Sun set is always the most proper time for watering & also that water if it becomes necessary to sprinkle the Leaves with water while the Sun shines Strong, that the plants should be shaded from hot direct rays till their Leaves are quite dry
To give Plants too much water is almost as hazardous to their health as to give them too Little, The boxes with which the Plant Cabbin is Furnishd have been constructed in such a manner as to retain diminish the expense of water as such as possible,which evaporate very fast from the outsides of Earthen pots, & moist as possible if plants are in much great want of water they will make their wants known by hanging down their leaves which because Loose & Flaccid but this
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