Appendix' for paper on colonial coinage, ca 1805 (Series88.01) - No. 0001

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Satisfied with the importance of Lord Greville valuable suggestion & concerned that the adoption of it will be honorable to the Nation, advantageous to the arts & creditable to all those who assist in carrying it into execution,I I cannot refrain from suggesting on the spur of the occasion, designs for the Two Colonial Tokens now under the consideration of the Committee of P.C. [Transcriber's Note: Privy Council] for Coins, that for the Bahamas & that for Ceylon Assembly of the Bahamia Islands & that for the Government of  Ceylon.

The portrait of our King ought in my humble opinion to occupy the Obverse of every coin's struck for the use of the mother country, but in order to establish a decisive distinction between our domestic & our foreign coins, and to reserve for the United Kingdom, a compliment to which a value will be annexed if it is reserved for her sole use not participated with others, it may be adviseable to confine the use of it to those coins only, that are intended to circulate at home,

if this idea is approved the Favorite[sic] Figure of Britannia may be assumed as the Obverse of our Colonial Tokens & it may be I am confident so contrived varied, if men of talent can be induced to take up apply to the subject, as to designate on all occasions, the actual state of the Country is in at the time when a token was is struck.

A Lion by the side of Britannia will represent our armed force Military & Naval & the position of this Lion, the posture in which the force is actualy[sic] placed; a Couchant Lion will signify a reduced army & navy in time of peace, a Lion standing is an attitude of attention, a force on foot equal proportioned to our population & resources, a Lion with a paw lifted up, an expedition in preparation, a Lion Rampant an expedition actualy[sic] employed, in this manner the heraldic variations of a Lion now in use & therefore


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