Copy of a letter received by William Elmhirst from Banks,26 April 1790 (Series 90.02) - No. 0002

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have paid that is those of us against whom he chose to bring them & this he still is entitld to do.

As the agreement by which he has apead consented to share of £100 has not been many hours signd I am not at all able to tell how much the sum will be that we are to pay among us, I learn from his charge that Mr Burcham has not paid 5.5.0 a subscription for which Mr Penell gave him as his desire Credit this however is a private matter between them.

The legal mode of payment is that after every one has paid settled his subscription the remainder necessary to make up the amount of the bill & the costs of the Plaintiffs not yet paid should be divided into as many shares as we are subscribers to the undertaking but as it will produce an alleviation to the charge to which poorer men have inadvertently subjected themselves, I intend myself & I hope all who are opulent & all parishes will do the same to pay by a poundage note on the amount of my subscription the remainder after where who that is voluntarily payd by poundage has been collected must be divided among the number who have not.

as  soon as When I send you down the particulars which I shall do as soon as they can be made out you will of course call a meeting to have their approbation if they chance to give it & that I have done.

believe under me

April 26 1790

as the undertaking does not bind executors the onus of all who have died without paying if any such there are must be divided aong the survivors as I understand if there are any legal blunders in this letter excuse them all shall be set right in my next.

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