Papers concerning the 'Line of demarcation between the BritishTerritory & that of the United States & Mexico', 1815-1816 (Series 88.05) - No. 0010

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ultimatelylead to future difficulties. I am the more induced to make this observation from the circumstance of the recent and very public reports which have circulated on the part of the Americans, by which they seem to think that the parallel of the 45º willl be found to comprehend within their limits & considerable portion of the frontier of this Province.
I am fully aware of the probable difficulties, and intricacies which may present themselves in the course of this survey and am of opinion that as far as concerns the professional branch of the service that a plan of operations ought to be prepared & submitted to the meeting of the Board.
I can only add that no exertion of mine shall be wanting to meet the wishes of His Majesty's Commissioners, and forward the public services under whatever Commission I happen to be employed at the time.
With sentiments of the highest regard
I have the honor to be Sir etc

(signed) Jos. Bouchette
Survey Gen to H M Commissioners in America

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