Memorandum beginning '...Henry duke of Suffolk & the LordCharles his Brother...', undated (Series 90.73) - No. 0002

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See Dugdales Baronage Vol 2 page 300 in which it appears that John Kersey & Francis his son in Right of His Mother Margaret half sister to Chas. Brandon was coheirs with the Rest  This Kersey or Cersey as he spelt his name was [proprieter of Revesby & Livd at my house [indecipherable] which no doubt he had denied him that inheritance

Dugdale enumerates as coheirs the following Persons Sir Henry [indecipherable] Kt. Wm Cavendish Esqr  Thos. Glenham Esq  John Kersey & Francis Kersey his son by margaret his wife deceasd Christian Darnel widow walter ascoughe & Henry ascoughe his son by Elizt his wife & John Frye Gent & Eliz his wife

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