The noblest object in the works of art,
The brightest scene that nature can impact.
The well known signal in the time of peace,
The point essential in a tenant's lease.
The farmers comfort, when he holds the plough.
A solider's duty, and a lover's vow.
A contract made before the nuptial tie.
A blessing riches never can supply.
A spot that adds no charm to pretty faces.
An engine used in anatomic cases.
A planet seen between the moon or sun.
A prize that merit seldom yet has won.
A loss that prudence never can retrieve.
The death of Judas, and the fault of Eve.
A part that's seen between the foot or knee.
A patriot's toast, and a physician's fee.
A wife's ambition, and a parson's dues.
A miser's idol, and the badge of Jews.