Letter received by Banks from James Wiles and Christopher Smith, 26 January 1793 (Series 52.12) - No. 0001

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H.M.S. Providence
Kingston Bay St. Vincents Janry. 26th.  93

Sir Joseph,

We arrived here Tuesday 22nd. in the Evening, having had an extraordinary Passage of only 27 Days from St. Helena, a most fortunate Circumstances for the Plants as several of them began to suffer considerably from the length of time we have been at Sea; however we had then on board the following Number of Plants in a very healthy and flourishing State –

Plants from Otaheite [Tahiti]
678 Breadfruit
54 Rattahs
83 Ayyahs
22 Avees
20 Ettons
7 Mattee
6 Oraiah
2 Vahees
15 Peeah
9 Cocoa nutts
21 for Kew Garden

917 Total from Ota.

3 from Possession Isl.
5 from Tobd. H. raised from seed
4 from New Holland
From Mr.Cochrane a Passenger in the Ganges Indiaman
2 Mango
2 Creepers
1 Guavah


Plants from 

4 Breadfruit (sterile)
4  seedlings
7 Mangos
16 Jamolan
11 Jamboo armarvah
23   -   -   marree
5 Bimbling
8 Cherimalah
1 Carembola
7 Lemon China
6 Cosambee
2 Cattappas
4 long Pepper
4 black do. 
12 Beetle nut
4 Bintalloo
4 Dangreedah
8 Bughna-kanana
1 Sureelandang (Grass)
2 Jattee


Young Timor Plants raised from Seed
93 Nanka (Soursop)
20 Mango
10 Jambolan
1 Nam-nam (coming up)
6 Pomegranate

263 Total from Timor

Plants from St. Helena
6 Fern Trees
1 Dwf. Peach
1 Green Tea
1 small Citron
17 Coffee
8 St. Helena Almonds
3 Plantains (difft. sort, large Fruit)
1 Lyciuym japonicum flore pleno
1 Camellia japonica flore albo
2 Nicotiana fruticosa
1 Spiræa species
1 Hydrangia hortensis
1 Unknown (Shrub from China)
1 Do. [ditto] (beautiful Shrub)
1 Do. [ditto]  (Shrub)
2 Guinea Pepper

48 Total from St. Helena

1245 Number of Plants on board the Providence when she arrived at St. Vincent —


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