Letter received by Banks from William Bligh, 16 September 1796 (Series 58.09) - No. 0002

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a ship healthy that has not more than five men ill to every hundred. Admiral Macbride is going to Town on leave as soon as Admiral Duncan relieves him, and we understand that excepting the Admirals Ships the Squadron is to be made up of 64 gun ships, but they have sounding Names, which perhaps will make up for seven guns of a side.

Mr Nicol has been so good as to send me down a Pamphlet called Christian's Letters - is it possible that wretch can be at Cadiz and that he has had intercourse with his Brother, that six penny Professor, who has more Law about him than honor.  My Dear Sir, I can only say that I heartily dispise the praise of any of the family of Christian and I hope & trust yet that the Mutineer will meet with his deserts. 

We are getting ready for the sea, but  unless we have an alarm of the Dutch being out we shall be here for a month. I think the French will soon get themselves into a Nett, and our Friends on the Continent be successfull but every person here is full of a Spanish War - to be sure the North Sea is a bad place for that busyness, a hot Climate however would kill me in a month - I continue to suffer

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