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Extract of a Letter to F W Passike [?] from his Correspondent at Halle in Saxony
The eldest Son of the Revd Dr Schulze (Director of the Orphanhouse and Professor of Divinity) at Halle, has successfully cultivated his excellent Genius, not only by scientifick [scientific] Study of all the Branches of Physic, but also by application to natural History. Having with good Improvement finished his Course of Learning in the physical Science, in this University, he went to Strasburg [Strasbourg] to make a further progress in his knowledge; after which he betook himself to Berlin, where he exerted himself with applause in the usual Course established there for young Physicians. On his return he underwent the customary academical Examination of the Faculty of Physic, and received a very good Testimony from all the Members.
At present (Sept: 1788) he elaborates his Disputation on the poisenous plants of the Antients [ancients] which he intends publickly [publicly] and without a Process to defend neat Michaelmass for obtaining the Degree of Doctor Medicinae [medicine].+
+ This he has done and obtained, and sent the inclosed two Copies over, one of which he would take the Liberty to have it presented to Sir J. Banks.
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