Extracts from Capt Blighs Journal', 9 April 1792 - 20 February 1793 (Series 50.33) - No. 0002

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Extracts from Capt Blighs Journal

April 9  Arrivd at Otaheite

April 15 Natives employd in making covers of matted cocoa nut leaves to shade the Plants they are similar to those used for the covering of their houses
17 began to collect Bread fruit Plants had 32 in Pots at sunset
18 115 Plants Collected a smart Rain favourable to the Plants
19 264 Pots in all 149 this day
20 375  d.º                                     111 this day
21 571  d.º 196 this day
22 736  d.º 166 this day
23 737  d.º 80 this day
24 912  d.º 95 this day
25 983  d.º 71 this day
26 1082  ditto 99 this day
27 1086  dº 4 this day. Plantains Rattahs Vaës today
29 1194  Pots & 4 Tubs of all kinds of Plants  Carpenters began to make Births[berths] for Plants on the Quarter Deck & Coopers to make tubs for d.o
May 6 Plants look very 154 have required changing the number is 1090 Pots 17 Tubs 26 Boxes which contain besides Bread fruit 25 Vaës, 25 Rattahs 25 Ay-ahs 12 Ona'hs 9 Peäs 6 Ettows 6 Mattes 
14 Plants look very well few will require changing   
26 Receivd some Breadfruit from Tianaboo said to be of a Superior Quality some small Bread fruit trees are Planted in half Hogsheads under an opinion that they will stand the voyage better than those in Pots            
Plants this day have a Fine appearance Everyone seems to have firmly taken Root 
7 Some of the Plants are attackd by a kind of weevil which Enters the Bark all these were orderd to



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