Letter received by Banks from William Paterson, 28 November 1799 (Series 27.15) - No. 0002

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it is much stronger than at any other place. I find on examining the wood which was so much admired just before I left London is what I supposed it to be a Casuarina. There are three distinct species all of which I have the pleasure to send by this conveyance and the skin of a new kind which I hope will be acceptable to Lady Banks. There is also a specimen of the Kana-diang the plant which produces the Flax. There is little doubt of its being a Hibiscus.  Captain Raven takes charge of these few articles which I have mentioned.  I have got two miners; & next week intend trying the boring rods on the banks of the Hawkesbury & by the next opportunity it is probable I shall be able to transmit you some information on that subject.

After making known the contents of the Commander in Chiefs Letter to me & the officers requesting an investigation might be ordered & the result to be transmitted by the Britannia.  The Governor thought as his name was also in 

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