Notes concerning the sealing and whaling industry, undated (Series 32.06) - No. 0003

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The Southern Whalers exagerate when they say that a Whale Fishery is set up in N.S.W. which threatens to injure the Southern whale fishery it is a Seal Fishery only of [indecipherable] only a temporary advantage as the Seals will in a few years be very much deminishd in numbers.

The Priveleges & Bounty grantd to S. Whalers were intended to Promote the [taking of whales?]    sealing is a  small part of their business & one of little [advantage?]

it was not for sealing that they recevd the indulgence they are so [indecipherable]

The Seals on Van Diemens Land will infallibly be caught by the americans & carried to the various markets in Europe if our Colonists are not allowd to take them 

The Price of oil has Risen.

Can it be an Object to maintain the present very rich Prices if the S. Whalers or prevent the Colonists from selling buying

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