Orders relative to the Convicts [?] & the Plants &c in its proposal to the admiralty at Mr Stephen's desire', ca September 1789 (Series 35.10) - No. 0004

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On no Condition whatever to admit Either Goats or monkees on board either with outward or Homeward bound Passage & to take Care that dogs & all kind of live stock be confind in such a manner that they may not get to the Coach & destroy the Plants in it.

You are on your return home to report to their Lordships as spedily as you can the state in which you conceive the Plants intended for his Majesties use to be specifying the Number of each Pot & the opinion of the man who has been instructed with the charge of the Garden of the Probability of the Plant or plants it contains being alive.

[In margin]
In order that proper measures may be taken to remove them to his Majesties Garden & thus Harbor Plunderage may be detected.

Each pot is numberd with Paint.

Orders to Capt Rider relative to the Coach & the Plants &c in it proposd to the Admiralty at Mr. Stephen's desire.


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