Extract from the journal of John White, 18 November 1788 (Series 35.05) - No. 0003

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have been used medicinely with success by our surgeon Mr Considen particularly the yellow gum as a substitute for balsam of Tolu.

There is neither ore nor mineral as yet found except Iron which is very common & a small portion of copper.

The natives do not appear numerous but the most wretched of the human race they are draped in natures Garb subsist cheifly on Fish & roots we are unacquainted with they inhabit cheifly the Cavities of Rocks & trees their miserable huts which are few are constructed of the bark of trees they do not wish to Cultivate our acquaintance or Friendship they are treacherous for they have murthered several of the Convicts & one Marine besides wounding many more indeed they attack every Person they meet unarmed & appear civil to all those they meet Armed this is what induces me to call them treacherous they have spears which they use in Fishing & empailing their Enemies besides stone hatchets & chizels.

The kangarou is a very timid animal incredibly strong for its size & and can jump faster than a hare can run its Flesh is not bad Eating something like Coarse mutton.

Having Given you a sketch of the country I shall leave you to form your own opinion of it at the same time I beg to give mine which is that it will never answer the intentions of Government for two reasons first because it is at too great a distance from every trading Country & secondly it will never make any return to the mother Country nor can it support itself independent of the mother Country

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