Extract from Govr Philips [sic] Dispatches', 1 January 1791 (Series 35.15) - No. 0003

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so well reconcild that he was freed from all restraint he died soon after of the smallpox.  in the beginning of 1788 numbers of natives were found dead of that disease an old man & a boy & a mother & a girl were brought into the hospital bothe the old people died but the children recoverd the boy is Servant to Mr. White the surgeon & the girl to the Clergymans wife, whether this desese was brought to them by the Naval Ships or is original in the Country we have not experience enough to determine but it Certainly never appeard on board any of our vessels till long after the natives had been brought to our hospital.

in November 1789 2 more natives were seizd & brought in one of them was a chief he however soon made his escape by the carelessness of the Person in whose custody he was the other still remains is now satisfied with his Condition & freed from all restraint he lives with the Governor & eats at his Table.

Mr. Collins the judge advocate has take much pains in Obtaining his language & now begins to understand him but has hitherto Observd only sounds of those noted in Cooks vocabulary usd by him.

The River Hawkesbury which falls into Broken bay is navigable for the Largest

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