Extract from Govr Philips [sic] Dispatches', 1 January 1791 (Series 35.15) - No. 0001

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Jan 1 1791           

Extracts from Govr Philips [Phillip] dispatches

As I have now been here more than two years I am able to form a tolerable judgement of the Climate and I verily believe that a Finer or more healthy one is not to be found in the habitable globe.

Soil at Rosehill & Cultivations there
The settlement of Rose Hill fully answers my expectations the soil is exceeding good lies well for cultivation and is well waterd.

In Decr. 1770 the corn was got in which produced 200 bushels of wheat and 60 of Barley besides Flax Indian Corn and Oats of which small quantities only were sown.  The Quantity Produced is less than might have been expected & would have been more had the Convicts been employd by people who had interest in the Produce of their labor the number of these in the Colony who do not labor at all for their subsistence is greater than that of those who work as may be seen by the Returns.

Boats can come up the bank very near to the Rose Hill Farm we have a Barn & granary erected on it & 27 acres of Corn which Promise a good Crop. 

State of the Colony
I have every Reason to believe that there is not one Person from the Private soldier to the Governor whose situation is not more Eligible than he had any reason to expect it would be in the Course of the three years station & it is the same with the Convicts those who have any kind of 






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