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ii good Effect & It was Soon found Necessary to Put the Law in full force four have Been Hang.d- Two More Were Under Sentence of Banishment for life but Reciev.d A Pardon on the Kings Birthday- on Which Day All the Officers of the Navy & Army Din.d with the Governor. Who Nam.d the Adjacent Country Round Port Jackson. the County of Cumberland. On Sunday the 22.d of June At 20 Minutes after 1 pm the Afternoon. A Shock of An Earthquake Was felt though the Camp-The Surgeon of the Supply & Myself were then In the Woods About A Mile & half from. the Camp & Were both At the time Standing Still & Silent Examining Some Gum Issuing from A Large tree the Shock did not last Above two Seconds. It Came from the SW. like the Wave of the Sea. Accompany.d by A Noise like A Distant Cannon. The Trees Shook their Tops as if a Gale of Wind was Blowing. The Afternoon was Remarkably Mild & Serene & very little Wind At NNE - The Climate is Certainly Very Healthy. there has Been but 30 Burials Since our Arrival- As Many Marriages. And 10 Convicts Missing The Principal Distempers here are the Flux & Scurvy- Both Which Would Soon Disappear Could Plenty of Vegetables be Procured- I must Now My Respected friend. finish as the Ship which will bring this Sails tomorrow. I am Afraid You will hardly find it Worth the Reading. But I was not Willing. to loose this ( Perhaps the only) opportunity of Writing to you Whilst we Remain in this Country - I hope Yourself Mrs Knight & Family Are Well. I Beg You give my Respects to Your Good Mother & Sister - Believe me You have my Sincerest Wishes for your health & Welfare when Opportunity offers you will be so Good as to let my Newbury friends know that the Distance of Many Thousand Miles has not the Least Impair.d the Esteem I have for them I am Yours Most Affectionately. L.Blackburn.
{Supply. In Sidney Cove Port July} 1788
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