State Library of NSW
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from Europe whilst their Coffee & Spices drew millions from their traders of the American states.
Little acquainted with the minuter politics of England, I am fearful of addressing any memorial to the Court of Directors or any public body least I should be thought overstepping the modesty of my subordinate situation in the service, but my local knowledge of every part of this coast & upwards of ten years residence, not passed without contemplating the situation of the national interests here, now interwoven with those of the company enable me offer some intelligence, which might elucidate many subjects hitherto very obscurely known, but of sufficient importance to claim the attention of the politician & the Merchant. I will however postpone this till you indulge me with your opinion whether I should step forward or return in silence. My prospect lies in Bengal as my progressive rise in rank may call me thither, but these I would willingly relinquish were there a hope of the cultivation of the spices becoming a national object. Coffee would also become a an object of great consideration & with very slight encouragement I could pledge every thing dear to me that in less than 10 years
[overwritten on right] Dr Campbell Aug 11 - 04 April 10 - 05
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