Letter received by Banks from Andrew Lumisden, 4 April 1783 (Series 72.112) - No. 0002

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he said would be called for.  The Principal of the Scotch College sent to London, by first opportunity, the copies for Dr. Hunter and myself;  but as they knew nothing of M. Broussonel, they kept the copy intended for him till he should call, or give directions about it, which he has never done.  However I have taken this copy, and sent it to you, by M. Strange, returning to London.  But if M. Broussonel appears, and I find that I have committed a mistake, I shall give him another copy.

      Since my return here I have seen my valuable friend M. le Comte de Bulfon, who has long honored me with his friendship, and loaded me with kindness.  Inclosed [enclosed] I send you a note from him.  He is just about publishing a work on the inclination and declination of the Mariner's needle.  He has made much use of the observations made on this subject by the late Cap.t Cook, in his first and second voyages, and wishes to know his observations made on it, in his third voyage, not yet published.  If there is no impropriety in the demand, he would be infinitely obliged to you, if you could send him an extract of Cap.t Cook's observations on it, in his voyage towards the north-pole.  He has made the highest encomiums on Cap.t Cook:  and if M. De Bulfon is ever misled it is most unwillingly, for he uses every means to be informed of facts, and is happy to be corrected when misled  If you knew when you would esteem him:  and if you 


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