Letter received by Banks from John Linton, 25 March 1790 (Series 72.111) - No. 0002

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men, & has the mortification, when his Majesty visi[ted] Plimouth [Plymouth] last year, to see some younger Sailors with better Interest brought down for the Purpose of receiving Marks or Royal Favor, & to supersede those who had long been engaged in the Line of Duty.

I am fully sensible how little the repeated Civilities you have shewn me, entitles me to request such a favor, & hope you will be assured that I wish not to make so ill a Return to the favors I have receiv'd as to ask any thing improper.  If in my Request I am guilty of any Error, I beg that you will burn my Letter & think no more of it.  I have not mention'd to any Individual whatever my Intention of applying to you on this Subject.  Should you however do me some favor of rendering such a Service, I shall think myself equally obliged as if it was confer'd personally on myself, & remain Dr Sir,

Very respectfully
Yr [your] much obliged hum [humble] Ser [Servant]

J. Linton

No. 2 Princes Street
Cavendish Square
​25th March 1790



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