Letter received by Banks from Sir James Lahe, 28 November1786 (Series 72.109) - No. 0002

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better information where the situation of that monument was, the Subject may as well rest where it is availing myself of yours & Dr Gordons kindness to permit me to renew it when I can Learn more about it.  That the monument was of the mural kind I have not a doubt, as I have certainly heard that circumstance of it, & I understood that fragments of it were Lying in the spot where Dr Gordon mentions, wether [whether] more at that time than the two Arms in stone that he Saw I cannot recollect, & as I had no friend in view at that time from whose assistance I thought any part recoverable, I did not pay that minute attention to it which I wish I now had.  I wish now find out if I can from the same channel of information such further particulars as may Enable me to avail myself of your kind offer to renew the Search for me next year & I am highly Sensible of the favor conferred on me in restoring such parts as may be found, and I think with you that I have some claim to have it replaced, if found in such condition as will admit of it, as they are pleasing memorandums to your posterity, if chance shall Ever bring them to visit their Native Country.  I suppose the Epitaph you Speak of is the same as is in The Baronetage of Collins who also speaks of a momument [monument] Existing in Line: Cath; 

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