Letter received by Banks from Lord Gainsborough, 12 August1787 (Series 72.063) - No. 0002

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misfortune to see his noble Commander receive the wound that afterwards prove'd so fatal to him. Ld. R. Manners always shew'd him the greatest kindness and Mr. Brown by his particular desire attended him in the Frigate that was bringing him home.

The D: [Duke] of Rutland has long promise'd to do something for him, but I imagine his Grace has more momentous Employment to occupy his attention which prevents him from thinking of poor Brown.  As an Officer I am confident I can recommend him and I was inform'd by Sr. Charles Middleton that he past an Examination at the Navy-Board which did him credit.  I beg pardon for troubling you with so much of his history, but should you upon this Narrative think him not unworthy your protection and the request of recommending him to go out as acting Lieut.t not incompatible with any other Engagements, I should esteem it as a very singular favour conferr'd upon your most obed.t humble Serv.t




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